Jahanm Be Ezafe Man Passengers of a bus are going to Mashhad to visit and ask for forgiveness. A prisoner named Timur (Yadollah Shirandami) who is guarded by a gendarme causes them to lose their way in the desert. Timur knocks out the gendarme and escapes by bus. He is the only one who knows the way; But the bus runs out of fuel and Timur wanders in the desert.

Feridoon (Mohammed Ali Fardin), known as Mufarfari, fights with Timur over the possession of drinking water and disarms him. Mirza (Reza Abdi) and his pregnant wife (Nazanin) die of thirst. Fereydon, in consultation with Gholam (Davoud Rashidi) and a famous woman named Zari (Farzaneh Tayeidi) and a girl (Puri Banai) who is in love with him, decide to make Gholam’s student run away with Timur with a fake plan and follow their footsteps reach the settlement; But Timur kills Gholam’s student in the middle of the way and the others perish one by one due to thirst and sunburn.

When Timur and Fereydon get into a fight, Mari kills Timur with a poison, and Fereydon takes himself to a settlement and returns with a camel to save the girl who survived.

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